A Call to Love

Many women I have know complain about men's inability to love, to commit, to give their hearts.  But, they are attracted to the “bad boys,” the men who appear to be invulnerable, to be “made of steel.”   Perhaps this makes them feel secure.  Perhaps that is why they verbally “attack” their man when he appears to be vulnerable.

I wish women could understand how vulnerable men are to their hurtful words.  Maybe they do, and maybe they just don't care. When their man gets angry or withdraws because of their hurtful words, they attack him more.  How dare he withdraw!  How dare he be angry with them! This is the attitude of a lot of women. 

It is strange to me.  On the one hand, they accuse men of being insensitive, of having no feelings, yet, when a man shows his feelings, demonstrates that he has given her the power to wound him, it seems that all she really cares about is her feelings.  How dare he have feelings, too, is the message she sends.  Thus, many relationships wind up with physically frigid women, faking their orgasms to try to please their man, and emotionally frigid men, faking emotional “closeness” trying to please their woman.
But, it is, after all, fake!

I want something deeper than this.  I want something genuine.  I want to find someone who understands that they are marrying another human being like themselves.  I want someone who will respect me like I respect them.  We will not “rape” each other with selfish, angry demands and unkind, hurtful words. 

Why is kindness, tenderness, openness and real love seen as weakness in this culture?  People are more concerned about “stuff,” about “things,” about chasing the illusion of “financial security” and “excitement” than they are about being genuinely loving.
We are not made of steel.  Let's start opening our hearts to each other and respecting the vulnerability that lies therein.  This world needs this kind of love.  It is the only power that has any hope of reversing the troubles in this world.