Balancing Cholesterol and Triglycerides

So, let's talk about what we can really do to balance cholesterol and triglycerides and reduce our risk of heart disease.


The first, and most important, key to balancing cholesterol and reducing the risk of coronary heart disease is to remove toxins from the body and the environment and to increase antioxidants.  Avoiding chemicals, including chlorine, solvents, heavy metals, pesticides, and other environmental toxins is essential to preventing inflammation and coronary heart disease. Formulas like Enviro-Detox and Milk Thistle Combination can help protect the body against these toxins.


Antioxidant nutrients can be an important second key in preventing coronary heart disease.  The best way to do this is to consume at least six or seven servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.  Fresh fruits and vegetables are healthier carbohydrates than sugars, breads, pasta, and grains because they don't trigger as much insulin production.  To supplement one's intake of antioxidants, Thai-Go is an excellent blend of antioxidant fruits and herbs that is convenient and easy to take.


A third key to lowering cholesterol and reducing one's risk of coronary heart disease is to eat a balanced diet.  This means a diet that includes a balanced intake of high quality fats (like olive oil, flax seed oil, avocados, nuts, etc.), quality proteins that haven't been overcooked and low glycemic carbohydrates.  Low glycemic carbohydrates are carbohydrates that don't trigger high levels of insulin.  These include many non-sugary fruits and all non-starchy vegetables (zucchini, broccoli, etc.).


A variety of supplements can also help with specific cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL and LDL imbalances.  Here are some specific suggestions.


Lowering High Cholesterol


For high cholesterol (cholesterol over 250), start with a fiber supplement.  Fiber absorbs the bile salts released by the gallbladder and carries them out of the body so they aren't recycled back to the liver to make more cholesterol.  Any dietary fiber will help to reduce cholesterol levels, but for high cholesterol Fat Grabbers is particularly effective.  LOCLO and Nature's Three are two other fiber products designed to help reduce cholesterol.


It is also important to eat quality fats to help reduce cholesterol levels.  Flax seed oil is a good supplement to take to ensure one is getting the essential fatty acids the body needs.  Omega-3 Hi EPA has been shown to reduce inflammation and help prevent heart disease.  Olive oil can be consumed in large quantities and will actually help to reduce cholesterol levels.  (Remember that the primary use for cholesterol is to make bile to digest fats.)


Ho Shou Wu and Guggul Lipids are very effective in helping to reduce high cholesterol levels when combined with dietary fiber.  Research has shown guggul to be one of the most powerful cholesterol-lowering herbs known. This herb lowers unhealthy low density lipo-proteins (LDLs) and raises the healthy high density lipoproteins (HDLs). Guggul also lowers triglycerides, decreases the stickiness of blood platelets and improves thyroid function. 


Chinese Liver Balance can also help the liver cleanse itself, thereby reducing cholesterol levels. Red Yeast Rice is an alternative to statin drugs and can be used when cholesterol is extremely high. It works like statin drugs to block production of cholesterol in the liver.  However, one still needs to examine and correct underlying causes of high cholesterol as described above.


Raising Low Cholesterol


When cholesterol levels are too low, there is a need to build, rather than cleanse the liver.  Chinese Blood Build is an excellent formula for this.  Fats also need to be emulsified better and the SF formula or the single herb Chickweed can help.  The detoxification mechanisms of the liver also need support, so MSM, SAM-e and N-Acetyl-Cysteine will also be helpful.


Balancing High LDL and Low HDL


This is usually a sign of exposure to pesticides and other toxins.  Constipation and a lack of exercise are also factors.  The diet is usually too high in sugar and simple carbohydrates and too low in quality fats.  Consider supplementation with essential fatty acids such as Flax Seed Oil or Omega-3 HI EPA.  Liver cleansing herbs such as Enviro-Detox or Chinese Liver Balance and fiber (Fat Grabbers) will also be helpful.


Lowering High Triglycerides


Triglycerides are usually high from pituitary problems, digestive imbalance or a problem with electrolyte imbalance. Super Algae can be helpful because it balances the pituitary.  Combination Potassium and magnesium can also help.  Small Intestine Detox and/or Food Enzymes or Proactazyme Plus  between meals can help digestive problems.  Finally, Cellular Energy can help the adrenals balance mineral electrolytes.


These are some basic suggestions for these issues.  It's always important to look at the overall picture of health and not just isolated factors like cholesterol or triglycerides.  For more information, consult some of the following sources.


The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease


The Heart Revolution: The Extraordinary Discovery That Finally Laid the Cholesterol Myth to Rest


Hidden Truth about Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs