Not so long ago there was a group of doctors in America that practiced Eclectic Medicine. They were physicians who employed whatever was found to be beneficial to their patients. Eclectic Medicine was formed in opposition to the toxic remedies used by standard doctors in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Eclectics didn’t care who discovered the remedy; botanical, homeopathic, mineral and occasionally chemical medicines were used to bring balance to the body.
Like the Eclectic Physicians, I believe in using what works. In my practice I use a diverse range of medicines, from foot soaks to horrible tasting teas, from vitamins and tinctures to the occasional recommendation that you go to a doctor and get a pharmaceutical. I support therapies that work, those that I’ve seen work in my own practice and those that have sound research behind them.
Using plants as medicine is a strong part of our heritage and tradition. I love sharing that tradition with people and watching the improvements in their lives that result from the magic of nature.
My name is Thomas Easley, I live in South Alabama and this is where I post my thoughts and experiences as an Eclectic herbalist.