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The School of Modern Herbal Medicine

Herbs and Emotional Healing Webinar
- 10/10/2011
- Categorized in: Free Training on Emotional Healing, Free Webinar Recordings
Working with emotions is an important part of the paradigm of holistic healing. In this free webinar, conducted for the American Herbalists Guild (AHG), I talk about the link between our emotions and physical health issues and tissue states, how herbs (especially when used in the form of flower essences) can help to heal emotional issues and how to see all emotions, including the so-called negative ones, in a positive light.
Click here to download the handouts for this webinar.
Click here to view or download the webinar recording.
It will also be posted on the American Herbalists Guild website. I encourage anyone interested in herbs to become a member of the Guild, which will be hosting many more free educational webinars (like this one) for its members.